11 Easy steps to Set up Conference Rooms

July 17, 2023

Are you confused about all the options to set up Conference Rooms? We will sort this out for you today!

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How would you describe your ideal conference room? Does it have a certain ambiance, or does it look clean and professional? If you want to create a space where employees can meet, collaborate, or simply relax, you should consider the conference room setup ideas discussed here.

Let’s face it – offices are dull spaces, especially for those who spend their days inside them. The last thing they want to see is another boring meeting room. That’s why choosing a conference room that makes your team members feel comfortable is crucial.

Small Businesses’ conference rooms should be designed around how the company functions. For example, if you frequently interact with remote employees, vendors or customers, your conference room should be equipped with Wi-Fi access points. You might want to invest in a projector screen if you have meetings that require illustrations.

You also need to figure out which type of conference room setup works best for you. This means finding out how many people are expected to attend meetings at the space and deciding whether there needs to be an open floor plan with no separation between participants or if it makes more sense to have separate smaller offices.

Once you know exactly what you need, you should ensure that the location has everything. The most important thing is that it should be equipped with all the required technology.

1. Decide Your Usage of the conference room

There are three primary purposes of the business conference room:

a) Holding meetings: A conference room is usually used for holding meetings. This means that a group of people can meet in the room to discuss important topics or to make important decisions.

b) Informal Meeting space: A conference room is also a meeting space. It is used to hold small meetings, which are not formal.

c) Workspace: The conference room is also a workspace. It is used to do some work that does not need to be done in a meeting.

2. Choose the Type of Conference Room

Based on what you want to do with the conference room you can decide which one to get made. There are three main kinds of office meeting rooms. They are:

a) Meeting room: A meeting room is a small meeting room that you can use to hold a small number of people. It is the most common type of conference room.

b) Boardroom: A boardroom is a large meeting room that you can use to hold many people. The chairs and the tables are arranged in a circle so the participants can face each other.

c) Large meeting room: A large meeting room is a larger meeting room used for holding many people. It is usually located in a building with many other conference rooms.

d) A lecture theatre: This is a room where a speaker gives a presentation. In this type of room, people sit on both sides of a long table.

3. Understand the Importance of Good Conference Room Setups

Many businesses have started using conference rooms to hold meetings for apparent benefits.

The best benefit is that a good conference room setup can make your meetings more productive.

This is why you should be sure to get all the necessary equipment. Here are some tips for choosing a conference room.

First, look for a room that has an open floor plan. Open plans tend to encourage collaboration among team members.

Second, choose a room that has enough natural light. If possible, you want to avoid a room that has windows or blinds that block sunlight.

Third, consider the size of the room. The bigger the room, the easier it will be for everyone to collaborate.

Fourth, make sure that the furniture in the room is comfortable. You don’t want to spend time sitting on uncomfortable chairs and tables.

Fifth, pick a design that is easy to maintain. A good conference room will require little maintenance.

4. How to have a Better Conference Room Experience

Have you ever been to a conference room, and you were excited when you walked in but found yourself feeling bored? If this sounds like you, you should know that there is an easy way to ensure your next meeting goes smoothly.

You need to ensure you have everything you need. You will provide enough chairs for everyone who needs to be there. You also want to take care of any details, such as lighting and temperature. Once you’ve made these changes, you can move on to the most critical part of the process, where you choose the right audio system.

If you don’t have a great sound system in your office, you might find it challenging to get people focused when they’re sitting down for meetings. In addition, you may feel uncomfortable because you’re unable to hear what others say.

You can use some simple tricks like playing soft background music. Soft music tends to help calm people down and keep them from getting distracted. It also makes it easier for people to focus on the task.

If you want to add a little extra excitement to your meeting, try playing an upbeat and fun song before your session starts.

To make sure that everyone is heard, try using a whiteboard. The board should be placed near the front of the room so that everyone can see it easily. This way, people can write down important notes or draw pictures without having to raise their voices. If you have trouble hearing what people are saying, try using a good pair of headphones. You can even get an inexpensive set with a microphone if you like.

5. Pick and Choose the Right Conference Room Equipment

When working in an office environment, you must ensure that the meeting room is set up with the appropriate conference room technologies. If you don’t have the proper tools, you could waste a lot of time. That’s why it’s crucial to choose the right conference room equipment.

An excellent way to start with choosing the right conference room equipment is by finding the best microphone for your needs. You should look at the following factors when you’re making this decision:

• What kind of audio device do you want to use?

• How many people will be using it?

• Will you be talking into a headset or directly from your mouthpiece?

• Do you want to record the entire meeting or just your own words?

Noise cancellation microphones are useful when you have background noise (e.g, other people discussing) while someone is talking.

If you’re looking for a wireless microphone, you should consider buying one with an omnidirectional pattern. This means that the sound waves can go in all directions. The other option would be to get a directional mic. This type of microphone will only pick up sounds coming from certain angles.

You also need to consider what kind of lighting you will use. For example, if you’re using a projector, you’ll need to buy a light source.

Researching and investing in the right conference room technology for your business is vital. When it comes to meeting needs, Data suggests that Zoom and Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams are the most popular among small and medium businesses that have a meeting room. A rich virtual interaction combines screen sharing, video, and audio.

Zoom has some great features that can provide a rich experience during remote conferencing.

The above Gartner report can help you choose the right web conferencing tool, while you can always seek professional help if you don’t know which conference room technology is best for you.

Another vital factor to consider is if you need multiple conference rooms, and how do you standardize the rooms?

6. Maintain Uniformity of the Conference Room Technology and Equipment

To ensure that everyone can have an effective meeting, you need to be aware of how important the conference rooms in your company are. If you want to eliminate all of the problems, then it’s time for you to start standardizing the conference rooms in your office.

You should determine whether the conference rooms in your building are equipped with the right technology. For example, you might wonder why you can’t use any of the latest digital cameras. You may also wonder why you can’t connect to the internet through a wireless connection.

If you’re looking to fix these issues, working with a professional is best. A good way to do this is by getting in touch with the Vendors that provide the IT support services for conference rooms. The professionals will help you figure out what type of technology is required to ensure that your meetings run smoothly.

Ideally, you should have a complete equipment setup from a specific brand as configuring becomes easy, and software upgrades do not break existing configurations and connections.

While it’s not that you cannot choose a mix of brands, you will see that maintenance can connectivity issues may crop up now and then, especially during software upgrades.

7. Know the conference room essential requirements

A conference room is a place where people gather to discuss business matters. The purpose of these meetings isn’t always to talk about work. Sometimes, the focus can shift towards fun activities like playing games. However, the most important thing to remember when using a conference room is that it’s a professional space.

Now that you have a high-level idea of a conference room, there are a few must-haves and nice to have types of equipment.

7. Know the Conference Room Essential Requirements

A conference room is a place where people gather to discuss business matters. The purpose of these meetings isn’t always to talk about work. Sometimes, the focus can shift towards fun activities like playing games. However, the most important thing to remember when using a conference room is that it’s a professional space.

Now that you have a high-level idea of a conference room, there are a few must-haves and nice to have types of equipment.

Conference Room Essentials

• Audio Video Conferencing facility

• High-Resolution Video or Web camera

• Noise cancellation Microphones

• HD Video display – computer screen, television screen, or

• HD projector with a whiteboard

• High-quality Speakers

• Telephone with high-quality Speaker Unit

• WiFi and LAN connectivity to all the devices

• Wireless Presentation Remote

Some Good-To-Haves

• Conference room schedule display

• Sensor Lighting System

• Interactive whiteboard, smartboard such as Google Jamboard, Microsoft Surface Hub, etc.

• Conference room booking software such as Robin, Condeco, WorkInSync, etc.

• Wireless presentation systems such as ClickShare, Airmedia, Solstice etc.

• 360-degree HD camera

8. Ensure Sufficient Network Bandwidth for the Conference Room

If you have a business meeting scheduled in your office, you might want to ensure the internet connection is working correctly. Otherwise, you could end up with a very unpleasant surprise. If the Internet isn’t working, you won’t be able to do conferencing or for that matter access any resource available on the network.

This means you’ll need someone else to take over the computer while you’re away from the desk. Alternatively, you may be able to use a different type of technology to connect to the internet.

For example, you can try using a wireless router. This will allow you to connect to the internet without worrying about whether the physical wiring is in place.

It is noticed that the wired network is more stable and has better bandwidth than the wifi connections, so that you may prefer a wired network for important calls with customers.

9. Have Conference Room Technology Easy to Use

When you need to meet with someone, you want everything to be perfect. You don’t want any distractions. And you don’t want to worry about how you will get the equipment working correctly. So the setup should be such that it is easy to use for a new user as well.

But unfortunately, most people who work in an office are forced to deal with these issues daily. This means you’ll need to ensure that your meeting space is as efficient and convenient as possible. Here’s what you should look into.

Figure out what kind of technology you’ll be using. If you’re planning to go wireless, then you can always consider buying a laptop or smartphone (Yes, you can do high quality presentation from your smartphone as well) that has Wi-Fi built in.

Some pointers on ease of use

• All the lighting switches should be locatable easily

• Switching the Projector ON/OFF should not require much skill

• Connecting a presentation laptop to the projector should not be a challenge

• The chairs should be comfortable and easily adjustable for employees’ height

• Proper Occupied/ Free indicator labels along with the meeting room number should be printed on the door

• Clear bulled steps to start a conference should be printed and fixed near the lighting switchboard, so it is the first thing one sees when switching the light.

Finally, the room booking software should be easy to use, show the booking to anyone using the software, and not allow duplicate bookings. So, find the right one for your business and your budget.

10. Have a Good Conference Room Layout with Floor Map

Great, so now you have a conference room with preferred technology, web conferencing equipment, network bandwidth, and easy to use process. But what happens when you get a customer or investor you want to impress?

You would need a great ambiance.

Some pieces of equipment to improve the ambiance of the conference room are

• High-quality U Shaped Table

• Glass Door with controlled Transparency

• Good quality Interior lighting

• Good quality Carpet flooring

• Soothing Interior Walls

• Comfortable Chairs arrangement

• Placement of Cameras and presentation Screens

• Sensor Lighting

• Air Conditioning

• Packaged Water and Refreshments arrangement

• Soft Tissues

• Premium-looking shredding paper bin

If you get outsiders like vendors and customers for meetings, you should have conference room Floor maps placed on notice boards and inside the conference room so that it helps the outsiders to locate the room and help enter and exit smoothly.

11. IT Support for Your Conference Room

A conference room is an important place to conduct business meetings, so you should have good IT Support so that your business discussions are not disturbed.

If you are using the conference room after some time, check if there are any problems or issues that need to be resolved before you can use it for a scheduled meeting.

You should always plan for this kind of issues and get it resolved as soon as possible by calling your IT support personnel.

The same is true if you need to upgrade your technology for a conference room. Get your support guy to monitor the upgrades and test all the functionalities after it finishes. Have an IT Support person contact handy to help you with any issues that might arise while you are using the conference room.

Some Other Considerations

1. Color Scheme

I would suggest using a color scheme that is calming to the eye. If you have many people coming into the room, I suggest keeping the colors neutral. You want the room to feel welcoming and inviting. You may use a soothing color palette, such as blue, green, yellow, white, gray, or black.

2. Lighting

The lighting should be soft and low-key. Try to avoid harsh fluorescent lights, especially if you plan to have a lot of people in the room. Fluorescent lights create a bright, harsh look. Instead, opt for softer lighting, such as incandescent bulbs or natural sunlight.

3. Furniture

You want to keep the furniture simple, yet comfortable. Avoid heavy wooden furniture, since it can cause discomfort to those sitting around it. Instead, go for lighter wood furniture, such as birch or maple. Also, try to avoid dark-colored furniture since it makes the room seem smaller than it is.

4. Ergonomic Chairs

Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between the body and its environment. An ergonomic chair helps people sit comfortably and focus, especially for the long meetings.

These chairs help keep our spine straight , shoulders relaxed and rest both hands on the armrests.

5. Flooring

Try to keep the floor clean and free of debris. A dirty floor creates a cluttered feeling, which does not allow for a relaxing environment. Instead, opt for a hardwood floor that is durable and easy to maintain. Corporates have matted flooring, which reduces the shoe noise.

6. Decorations

Keep decorations simple and subtle. Do not clutter the space with too many decorations. Keep it clean and spare. Use only what is necessary to create a relaxing atmosphere.

7. Artwork

If you decide to display artwork in the room, choose pieces that fit the event’s theme. For example, if you are hosting a networking event, then you might select a work of art depicting nature. Or, if you are having a meeting about business, then you could choose something related to business.

8. Music

Music is a great way to set the mood for any event. It depends upon the agenda of the meeting for what kind of music to be played to set the tone.