IT Project Management Guide: Top 7 Project Management Software in 2024

January 3, 2024

Deciding on the right project management software can feel like finding a needle in a digital haystack. With a plethora of options at your fingertips, the task of choosing the best one for your needs might seem daunting.

You're looking to streamline, manage, and take control of your projects more efficiently, but the question remains: which tool fits the bill perfectly? Fear not, we've got your back!

In this IT project management guide, we'll show you the curated shortlist of the best project management software for 2024. Let's dive in and explore these top-tier tools that are set to revolutionize your project management experience.

Why is having an IT project management guide important?

What is the IT project management? 

IT project management is the disciplined process of overseeing the planning, organizing, and executing of information technology projects. This specialized form of project management requires balancing technical nuances with the traditional aspects of project management, such as scope, time, and cost. 

In a nutshell, it's about guiding IT projects from the initial idea through to completion, ensuring every box is ticked and every stakeholder is satisfied. That's why it's important to have an updated IT project management guide. 

What are the responsibilities of an IT project manager?

As an IT project manager, you're the go-to person for making sure everything stays on track, within budget, and meets quality standards.

You'll deal with scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management. It's about juggling various tasks and teams and sometimes, solving unexpected problems that pop up along the way. 

Whether you're rolling out a new software system or upgrading existing IT infrastructure, effective project management is key to delivering these tech solutions on time and par with expectations.

What are the common project management methodologies?

5 common types of project management methodologies 

In the dynamic world of IT project management guide, knowing your methodologies is key. Let’s dive into the five common types of project management methodologies you’re likely to encounter.

Agile project management methodology

Agile is all about flexibility and adaptability. It’s perfect for projects where the end goal isn’t set in stone. Imagine you're developing a new app.

With Agile, you can adapt and make changes as you go based on feedback. It's iterative, meaning it works in cycles or sprints, focusing on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Waterfall project management methodology

Waterfall is the traditional, linear approach in the world of IT project management guide. Think of it as a step-by-step guide. Each phase of the project must be completed before moving on to the next.

It’s great for projects where you can’t afford to go back, like constructing a building. You can't build the roof before laying the foundations, right?

Scrum project management methodology

Scrum, a subset of Agile, is all about quick deliveries and frequent reassessments. Picture a team working in short sprints to achieve small, but valuable, parts of the project. It’s highly collaborative and involves regular stand-up meetings to keep everyone on track. It’s ideal for fast-moving development projects.

Lean project management methodology

Lean is about maximizing value while minimizing waste. It’s like being economical but in a smart way. You focus on what adds value to your customer and cut out everything that doesn’t. This methodology is all about efficiency and is popular in manufacturing and software development.

Kanban project management methodology

Kanban is another Agile methodology, and it's all about visualizing your work. Imagine a board with cards or sticky notes representing tasks. It helps teams see the workload and workflow, making it easier to identify bottlenecks and prioritize tasks. It’s great for ongoing projects with a steady flow of work.

top IT project management software in 2024

Best IT project management guide: List of go-to project management software in 2024

In 2024, it's time to make improvements to your project management. You're looking for something that not only fits your project needs but also elevates your team's productivity. To make your life easier, here's a list of the best IT project management software so far: 

Asana is your go-to for flexibility and ease of use. It's like having a digital organizer that adapts to your project's needs. Whether you’re juggling multiple IT projects or focusing on a single large-scale deployment, Asana's intuitive interface and customizable features make it a breeze to keep track of tasks, deadlines, and team collaboration.

Trello is your match if you're a fan of visual organization. Imagine having a digital whiteboard filled with color-coded tasks and timelines.

Trello’s card-based system lets you organize and prioritize your IT project tasks in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way. It’s perfect for smaller projects or teams that thrive on a high-level visual overview.

Jira is the powerhouse for teams that use Agile methodologies in an IT project management guide. It's like having a digital Agile coach. With features like Scrum and Kanban boards, backlogs, and sprint planning tools, Jira helps manage software development projects with precision, ensuring iterative and incremental progress.

Microsoft Project stands out. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of project management software, offering a wide range of features from Gantt charts to complex project scheduling. Ideal for large-scale IT projects, it helps you keep track of every tiny detail. excels in fostering team collaboration. It's like having a central hub where every team member can converge, share ideas, and track project progress.

With its easy-to-use interface and customizable workflows, it is perfect for teams that need a collaborative, visually appealing workspace.

Wrike is your ally in boosting project efficiency. It's like having a personal efficiency consultant. With time tracking, workload management, and real-time reports, Wrike helps you identify bottlenecks and improve your team's productivity in IT project management.

Smartsheet is the jack-of-all-trades in project management software, offering versatility and adaptability. It combines the best features of spreadsheets and project management tools, making it ideal for IT managers who need to customize their project tracking and reporting.

Top project management software you might need

Gantt, ERP, Excel: Which software is identified as a project management tool? 

When you're diving into an IT project management guide, you'll come across various software options, each with its unique strengths. Among these, Gantt charts, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, and Excel are often mentioned. But which one is recognized as a project management tool? Let's answer this below. 

Gantt charts are your go-to for visual project planning and tracking. They provide a clear timeline view of your project, showing start and end dates for individual tasks, and how they overlap. This makes Gantt charts a core feature in many project management software, ideal for tracking progress and dependencies.

ERP systems, on the other hand, are more about integrating various business processes. They do play a role in project management, especially when it comes to resource planning and allocation, but they're more about overseeing the broader business operations than focusing solely on project management.

Excel is a bit of a wildcard. It's not specifically designed for project management, but its flexibility means it's often used for planning, tracking, and reporting on projects. However, it lacks the advanced features and integrations of dedicated project management tools.

So, if you're looking for a tool specifically identified with project management, Gantt charts are your answer. They are widely recognized and utilized within various project management software for their efficiency in planning and tracking the progress of projects.

Whether you're overseeing a small team project or a large-scale IT deployment, Gantt charts offer the clarity and structure needed to keep your project on track.

Common phases of a project management process

What are the phases of the project management process?

Diving into a deeper IT project management guide, you'll find PM structured into distinct phases, each critical to the project's success. 

First up is the initiation phase. Here, you're laying the groundwork. You identify the project's purpose, scope, and feasibility. It's about understanding what needs to be done and why.

Next is the planning phase. This is where you map out the route. You're developing a project plan, setting goals, defining tasks, and determining resources and budgets. It’s the blueprint of your project.

Then comes the execution phase, where you bring your plan to life. You're in the thick of managing teams, allocating resources, and ensuring tasks are carried out. It’s where the action happens.

Following this is the monitoring and controlling phase. It’s like keeping an eye on your project's vital signs. You're tracking progress, making adjustments as needed, and ensuring everything stays on track.

Finally, there's the closure phase. This is where you cross the finish line. You're wrapping up the project, delivering final outputs, obtaining approvals, and evaluating what went well and what didn’t. It’s about closing the chapter and learning for the next adventure.

Features of good project management

What makes a successful project management? 

A successful IT project management guide would not be complete without understanding what a good project execution should be. What should your project team be doing? 

• Clearly defined goals and objectives: Like a lighthouse guiding a ship, well-articulated goals give direction to the entire project. It's about knowing exactly what you want to achieve and setting specific, measurable targets.

• Comprehensive planning: This is the blueprint of your project. It covers everything from timelines and resources to potential risks. Think of it as plotting out the journey before you set sail, making sure you've accounted for all the essentials.

• Effective resource management: Just like a chef ensures they have all the right ingredients before starting a meal, successful project management requires the right resources – people, technology, and time – managed efficiently.

• Open and clear communication: Keeping everyone in the loop is vital. Regular updates and transparent communication prevent misunderstandings and keep team morale high.

• Risk management: Identifying potential pitfalls ahead of time and having contingency plans is crucial. It’s about being prepared for storms even when the sky is clear.

• Adaptable and flexible approach: Flexibility is key. The ability to pivot and adapt in response to changing conditions or new information keeps a project resilient.

• Strong leadership: Effective leadership is the rudder that steers the project. A good leader provides direction, resolves conflicts, and keeps the team motivated and focused on the objectives.

• Team collaboration and involvement: Every member of the team is a valuable player. Encouraging collaboration and involvement ensures a diverse range of ideas and solutions, enriching the project.

• Use of appropriate project management tools: Utilizing the right tools, whether it's software for task management or collaboration platforms, enhances efficiency and keeps the project organized.

• Regular monitoring and evaluation: This involves tracking progress, assessing performance, and making necessary adjustments. It's like regularly checking your map and compass to ensure you're still on the right path.

• Customer or stakeholder satisfaction: Ultimately, the success of a project is also measured by how well it meets the needs and expectations of its stakeholders or customers.

Introducing AlwaysOnIT: Where your project goals are met and exceeded

We know how reading an entire IT project management guide may not be enough to help your problems. That's why we're here, AlwaysOnIT, making your IT projects from 'to-do' to 'ta-da!' in no time. 

For over 20 years, our company has been the go-to folks in West Linn, Oregon, for businesses looking to nail their IT projects. It's not just about getting things done; it’s about smashing those goals and adding a cherry on top.

Whether it's beefing up your IT infrastructure or streamlining your systems, we've got your back. Our approach? It's personal, it's strategic, and it’s all about growth. We're here for small and mid-sized businesses, turning your big IT dreams into even bigger realities.

Get your IT projects flying with the best project management team!

Don't just settle for getting it done; let's make it amazing together. Ready to kick your IT projects up a notch? 

Let's turn those IT project goals into a success story you'll be proud of. Drop us a line at 503-601-4335 or email us at

Frequently asked questions

What are some essential tips for successful project management?

Successful project management hinges on clear project objectives and a well-defined project scope. It's a process where thorough planning, effective communication, and adaptability play key roles. Remember, every project is a learning curve, potentially a guide to project management in itself.

How can a project team effectively use project management practices?

A project team must embrace a structured approach, often outlined in a project management plan. Utilizing project management software can streamline workflows and enhance team coordination, essential for managing a project efficiently.

Why is a project charter important in project management?

A project charter is vital as it lays the foundation of a project, outlining key aspects like objectives, scope, and roles. It acts as a roadmap, guiding the project life cycle from initiation to the final project.

How do you develop a comprehensive project management plan?

Developing a project management plan involves detailed planning of resources, timelines, and processes. It's an integral part of traditional project management, providing a clear project timeline and helping to manage project data effectively.

What are the key phases of project management?

The phases of project management typically include initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Understanding each phase is crucial for project managers to guide projects successfully through each stage of the project.