John M

Structural Engineering

"Efficient, personalized service. Practically every experience. We call, email or create a ticket, and within the hour, the issue is addressed, or at the very least identified, and a path and schedule to resolution is established.

The biggest benefits : Backups, updates, and virus scan/protection is in place. When employees have computer issues, I know someone will be resolving the issue."

Recession Proof IT Support

Struggling with IT Issues? It's Time for Change

In today's world, an efficient IT department is the backbone of a thriving business. But hiring a full-time, in-house IT team? The crushing costs would make anyone think twice...

A report from Glassdoor suggests the average salary for an IT specialist can be upwards of $85,000 a year, and that's just one employee. Factor in training, benefits, equipment, and inevitable downtimes, and the numbers just keep rising.

Matter of fact, let’s paint a clearer picture for you.

Here's what you can expect when hiring an in-house IT team versus partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) like AlwaysOnIT.

Financial Overheads

In-House IT Team

Salaries: The average salary for an IT professional in the US is about $85,000 annually. For a team of five, that's $425,000 per year.

Benefits: Health insurance, retirement contributions, and other benefits can add up to 30% to base salaries, translating to an additional $127,500 for a team of five.

Training: Continuous professional development and certifications might cost upwards of $5,000 per employee per year, totaling $25,000 for a team of five.

Space and Equipment: Dedicated office space and top-tier equipment can cost up to $10,000 per employee annually. That's $50,000 for a team of five.

Total Approximate Annual Cost: $627,500


Outsourcing IT

Service Packages: MSP service packages begin at $150,000 annually for businesses of comparable size. This includes 24/7 monitoring, cybersecurity, software updates, and more.

No Hidden Overheads: There are no additional costs related to benefits, training, or equipment. Everything is bundled into our comprehensive packages.

Total Approximate Annual Cost: $150,000

Depth of Experience

In-House IT Team

The collective experience is typically limited to the team's combined years of work, let's say an average of 5 years per person for a 25-year total.


Outsourcing IT

With over 100 combined years in the industry from various IT experts, our team's vast experience is a treasure trove of solutions for diverse challenges.


In-House IT Team

To scale by just one more professional would mean additional expenses (salary, benefits, training, and equipment) of about $125,500 annually.


Outsourcing IT

At AlwaysOnIT, our scalable model allows for growth without exorbitant extra costs. Upgrading to a package supporting larger operations may entail an increase, but it's fractionally small, say a 20% hike for substantial scaling, which is $30,000.

Our customers say we are a dependable partner in their success...

"Efficient, personalized service. Practically every experience. We call, email or create a ticket, and within the hour, the issue is addressed, or at the very least identified, and a path and schedule to resolution is established."

John McDonald

Catena Consulting Engineers

"You are very easy to use and convenient with the IT button located on each computer. When we had a security issue with emails, you were there right away to fix the problem. And then took more action to ensure it did not happen again."

Kendall Ekerson

Columbia Roofing & Sheet Metal

"Every time we have an issue, you treat it as an emergency and get it taken care of immediately. We have never had that in an IT company. It is greatly appreciated!"

Jennifer Schaaf

Industrial Tire Service

AlwaysOnIT— IT worries into wins...

When it comes to IT support, "good enough" doesn't cut it. Trust AlwaysOnIT to provide nothing short of world-class. Your growth journey deserves nothing less.

AlwaysOnIT is not just another IT service provider; we're a promise of excellence, resilience, and unparalleled support.

Strategically Ahead

Our inception is rooted in innovation. Transitioning from residential solutions to Business-to-Business, we’ve consistently been ahead of the curve. This strategic forward-thinking ensures our clients always benefit from the latest IT advancements.

Cloud Pioneers

From day one, our operations have been cloud-based. This has allowed us to stay lean and efficient and ensures our clients benefit from top-tier, cloud-driven solutions that other MSPs are only now catching up to.

Excellence, Every Step of the Way

Our clients often regard us as their strategic partners, not vendors. The reason? Our unwavering commitment to go above and beyond. We don't just meet expectations, we consistently exceed them.

In-House Reliability, Outsourced Efficiency

Think of us as your in-house IT department but without the overheads. Our highly responsive team proactively anticipates IT requirements, ensuring your growth never faces technological barriers.

From Growth Pains to Gainful Partnerships

We understand that growing companies need IT partners, not just providers. As your IT partners, we ensure our services evolve with your business growth, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Eating Our Own Dog Food

We only recommend solutions we use ourselves. This means every tool or application we suggest has undergone our rigorous testing and vetting process. This ensures reliability, efficiency, and peace of mind for our partners.

Personal Touch in a Digital World

In an era dominated by automated chats and robotic voices, we pride ourselves on our personal touch. Our clients often mention our interpersonal enjoyment, indicative of our commitment to human connection.

Holistic Solutions, One Point of Contact

We provide holistic solutions, from helping clients innovate their systems to offering a bespoke portal for all support needs. With AlwaysOnIT, you have a single, trusted point of contact for various IT challenges.

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How we got here

A note from our founder...

Back in 1997, I delved deep into the tech world at Symantec. But in 2003,  I chose the entrepreneurial path when faced with a move-or-leave decision. This was born out of a deep-rooted passion for making technology accessible and personal.

From the 70's, computers were not just tools—they were companions. Helping people understand and harness this magic became my mission. Thus, GeeksAKnockin' was born, a residential IT service. But as times changed and giants like Geek Squad emerged, the landscape shifted.

We pivoted. By 2014, AlwaysOnIT emerged, dedicated to businesses. A unique approach? We've always been cloud-based and remote, long before it became the new normal. The aim? Being more than just an IT provider; being a trusted partner, an ally in growth, and an advocate for excellence. Today, we're not a mere vendor. We're a strategic partner for business success!

Recession Proof IT Support

With our support, consider your IT issues gone

With AlwaysOnIT, gone are the days of waiting hours for IT support. We pride ourselves on being responsive and agile. One of our clients once shared, "AlwaysOnIT isn't just a service. It's a partnership. They get us."

Our emphasis on strategic IT thinking makes us uniquely positioned to support and drive your business growth. And it's not just talk.

From custom-built client portals to tailored IT solutions, our hands-on, innovative approach sets us apart. But don't just take our word for it. Hear what other business owners like yourself say about our IT support…

Talk to an expert

"Quick and fast... real people that know us."

"Prompt & personal service. Knowledgeable about a wide range of issues, both simple and complex. Chris Benson recently offered to sell us a server rack for our server room. He was able to identify the issue and help us stay ahead of the curve."

Kevin Bretthauer

Bretthauer Oil

"You are always on it! Quick and fast. Always honest recommendations and suggestions. Love that the service is personable... not some IT agent that is not in the same state or country. We get real people that know us."

Mary Brunick

Fleet Sales West, LLC

"Accessibility to your services, timeliness of your response to our need, your persistence in finding a solution to our problems, and your willingness to ignore our technological ignorance!"

Christina Bird

Senior Citizens Council of Clackamas Co.

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Our world-class IT services—aimed at your growth!

Network Optimization - Peak Performance

You've felt that sting of irritation when your network stutters during a crucial presentation or client call. It's about more than just speed—it's about reliability and consistency. Our team dives deep into your existing infrastructure, rectifying bottlenecks, and ensuring you get the bandwidth you're paying for. A robust network translates to seamless daily operations and enhanced team collaboration. We understand that your business deserves royal treatment in a world where connectivity is king.

Cybersecurity Defense - Ironclad Protection

Every week, we hear about a new cyber breach on the news. It's not just the big corporations that are targets; cybercriminals often see smaller businesses as low-hanging fruit. We fortify your digital perimeter, ensuring you aren't the easy pickings attackers seek. Our defense strategy lets you focus on growth, knowing that your digital assets are safeguarded. Your peace of mind in the digital realm is our paramount concern.

Cloud Integration - Seamless Accessibility

Moving to the cloud can feel like translating a book into a new language. Done right, it’s seamless. If done poorly, you lose the essence of the story. We help you transition smoothly, ensuring all your data integrates perfectly and remains as accessible as ever. With our expertise, your team can access the tools they need, whenever needed. It's about providing you the flexibility to operate anywhere, without compromise.

Data Recovery - Uninterrupted Continuity

Data is the lifeblood of modern business. Imagine if you lost a week, a month, or even a day's worth of data. Our data recovery solutions are more than just a backup; they're a commitment. A commitment that you won't be starting from scratch even in the worst-case scenarios. We ensure your business remains resilient in the face of challenges. Downtime is costly; we're here to make sure you never feel its weight.

Remote Support - Instant Assistance

We've all been there: a tech hiccup in the middle of an important task, and the technician is states away. Our remote support bridges that distance. Wherever you are, our experts are just a call away, ensuring minimal downtime and maximal efficiency. In a business world that never sleeps, we're your 24/7 technical lifeline. Your challenges become ours, and we tackle them head-on.

IT Consultation - Strategic Planning

Tech is more than just hardware and software—it's a strategy. But crafting that strategy without expert advice is like sailing without a compass. Our consultants have seen the pitfalls and the successes. Let them guide you, ensuring your IT aligns with your business's future aspirations. A tailored IT strategy can be the difference between stagnation and growth. We're here to chart your course toward success.

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Recession Proof IT Support

Why pay more for less?

Remember that time you hesitated to buy that high-end gadget, only to realize a more affordable one did the job just as well, if not better? It's the same principle here. Hiring an entire IT department might seem like the safest bet, but it comes with its own challenges. The numbers can add up fast, from steep salaries to the costs of continual training in an ever-evolving tech world.

Now, imagine getting access to a team of IT experts, each specializing in different areas of the tech landscape. It’s like having your own "Justice League" of IT, but for a fraction of the cost of maintaining an entire in-house team. That’s where AlwaysOnIT steps in.

We’re not here to replace every IT guy out there. But, if you've ever felt your business paying too much for IT problems to persist, it might be time for a change. Think of us as your streamlined, high-efficiency alternative. More expertise, less overhead, and a commitment to ensuring you always get the most bang for your buck.

The new age of IT isn't about having the most players on the field; it's about having the best. And we're here to make that difference palpable for your business.

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